Island of Hope – Music Video!

For Father’s Day, my youngest son and I worked on a music video project we started a long time ago, but never finished. It was a great day! Check out the video! I think he did a great job!

Official Music Video Directed by Andrius Hahn


While my feet
Take one step
After the next
Could be standing still

While cars and taxi horns
Pollute the background
Can’t see my face
In this crowd

Won’t show a single emotion
As a passing truck
Comes close to knocking me down
On this disappointing island

With just a patch of concrete
For me to stand on
Wondering where to look
To find some hope

A pretty girl
Passes by
We both feel something
And smile for a second

Then back
To the dirty streets
Thick with darkness
World rushes by

With just a patch of concrete
For me to stand on
Wondering where to look
To find some hope

I think about the girl
How it would feel
To have someone
To hold me

Always seems
Just so close
Even when I’m alone
On this barren planet

With just a patch of concrete
For me to stand on
Wondering where to look
To find some hope

Chords: A9sus, A13, Am7, Cmaj7

Copyright 2016/2019, Mark Hahn, All Rights Reserved.